
Date Account Topic Type Description Total
12/1/23 Ivett GTQ Operational General Capital: Initiate Loan CB Paid Ivett back for fridge repair 800.00 GTQ
11/9/23 Ivett GTQ Operational General Capital: Initiate Loan Loan Ivett 1100Q - $100 PayPal money from Ivett (-760Q) = 340 balance 340.00 GTQ
11/1/23 Ivett GTQ Operational General Capital: Additional Capital Investment 1050 Nov Monthly Loan payment for Kansha paid by Ivett to Christopher 1,050.00 GTQ
11/1/23 Ivett GTQ Operational General Capital: Initiate Loan 3350 Loaned for Kansha Rent and Internet 3,350.00 GTQ
10/20/23 Christopher's Operations Guatemala General Rent Brooke monthly payment Oct. 20 to Nov. 20th 255.00 USD
10/1/23 Christopher's Operations Guatemala General Rent Sarah Monthly payment of Sarah for Kansha's Second Floor. Was late from the Sep 28 254.70 USD
10/1/23 Ivett GTQ Operational General Rent Ivett- Rent of Kansha Office-Bedroom Space. 1,500.00 GTQ
9/18/23 Ivett GTQ Operational General Rent Pago de una semana de renta, office room Kansha. 500.00 GTQ
9/16/23 Christopher's Operations in USA General Rent Brook's Rent Sept 16- Oct. 15. 255.00 USD
9/12/23 Ivett GTQ Operational General Rent Pago de Renta por Amador, una semana en Kansha, total= 500 Q 500.00 GTQ
8/31/23 Ivett GTQ Operational General Rent Pago de una semana de Renta en Kansha. 500.00 GTQ
8/30/23 Ivett GTQ Operational General Rent Ivett- Renta segundo piso de Kansha 1,500.00 GTQ
8/22/23 Christopher's Operations Guatemala General Rent Laura rented from Tuesday to Friday 360.00 GTQ
7/16/23 Christopher's Operations Guatemala General Rent Coralie rented 5 nights 480.00 GTQ
3/12/23 Christopher's Operations Guatemala General Rent Rent January 1-31, February 1-28 and March 17th. Mona and Chopper 13,000.00 GTQ
11/7/22 Christopher's Operations Guatemala General Benni deposit 500 500.00 GTQ
7/25/22 Caty GTQ En La Mano General Product Sales Una hora de grabación 50.00 GTQ
6/30/22 Caty GTQ En La Mano General Product Sales Tres horas de grabación 150.00 GTQ
6/29/22 Caty GTQ En La Mano General Product Sales Una hora de grabación 50.00 GTQ
6/28/22 Caty GTQ En La Mano General Product Sales Una hora de grabación 50.00 GTQ
6/23/22 Caty GTQ En La Mano General Product Sales Una hora de grabación 50.00 GTQ
6/22/22 Caty GTQ En La Mano General Product Sales Una hora de grabación 50.00 GTQ
Total: 24,780.00 GTQ
Total: 764.70 USD
22 hits

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