Invoice Status: Invoice sent
Sent Date: Wed Jul 24 20:15:28 EDT 2024
Sent to:
courageoustravel@gmail.com, bookkeeper@entermediadb.org
Invoice Number: 0
Month: August
Due Date: 8/1/24


Monthly billing for ongoing tasks:

  • research of relevant online communities
  • outreach and business development with strategic influencers
  • Develop affiliate links with outside resellers/contractors/partners
  • Online Promotion of links and announcements
  • Community manager in our online emedia community https://emdia.openinstitute.org/

    Send payment to PayPal: courageouscrystalina@gmail.com





Dare2Share - Monthly Marketing Fee - ${invoicemonth}


Monthly billing for ongoing tasks:

  • research of relevant online communities
  • outreach and business development with strategic influencers
  • Develop affiliate links with outside resellers/contractors/partners
  • Online Promotion of links and announcements
  • Community manager in our online emedia community https://emdia.openinstitute.org/

    Send payment to PayPal: courageouscrystalina@gmail.com
$ 250.00
Total (USD) $ 250.00 250.00