Dieneke S
11/29/23, 12:03:15 PM EST
https://zoom.us/j/93824864760?pwd=TjlLdEg0OG9BbHR4R2xmYThhUTkwQT09 some babson prep?
Cheryl R
11/30/23, 10:11:12 AM EST
@Dieneke and @Cristobal, we can use my personal gmail account for Google tags.
It's robockc@gmail.com
Let me know how I would pay for this, I can use my Babson credit card.
Dieneke S
11/30/23, 10:47:49 AM EST
Hi Cheryl, we discussed this the other day, the costs are very minimum so we will provide the service from our side.
1 😀
Dieneke S
12/4/23, 10:17:31 AM EST
Babson 30/11
- Helping identify photos on people. When somebody doesn't want to be published
- extend to other people to test & feedback. All current users can access through link.
- enable AI on a site to test AI on real database.
- when your trying to download an album to share
- review tags on activities / advise set up standard things you want to track.
- document screenshots upload process with permissions
- script to run database, we can do that in 1 day. Pick a day, might be up and down, no upload in 24 hour period.
- high level documentation to share
- prominent button of going to new or old site when going to redirect
Cristobal M
12/5/23, 11:19:37 AM EST
I enabled Face detecting in Babson-b yesterday and it is doing some good findings, 400 faces found so far an still finding.
Cristobal M
12/5/23, 11:20:02 AM EST
Dieneke S
12/7/23, 10:56:26 AM EST
Cheryl R
12/7/23, 11:59:20 AM EST
Hi team, I'm meeting with our photographer from 12-12:30 (Eastern time) on Monday, would anyone be available to join?
Dieneke S
12/7/23, 12:01:21 PM EST
Backend work by photographer, to tag people.
Facial tagging, doesn't go up to google, its a private engine.
Looking for someone in photo's, not a sea of people. Find balance quality / quantity.
to do:
-> sort by total number
-> add status field to facial profile.
-> sort by status first
-> tags column to profiles and table
-> add a counter total number of hits
Status field filled in
Add false positive profiles multivalue
Show all false positives dialog
Fix edit boxes
Cheryl R
12/7/23, 12:09:14 PM EST
Apologies, I'm canceling the meeting and will set it up in the WebEx app so you can easily join... new invite coming!
Claire H
12/12/23, 10:55:01 AM EST
Great meeting yesterday! Here are the notes, and goals for the customer service and dev team to review for our upcoming meeting on thursday.
Claire H
12/12/23, 1:04:03 PM EST
Babson Meeting December 11th at 1pm
BUG: When she is using facial recognition function: User found that if you changed the name on a facial profile to the persons name there was a big error script that came up. (Reproduced during demo on B site with Dieneke and Claire).
Facial recognition : Enable option to approve/reject a facial profile or set up status as Pending Identification or just pending.
BUG FOUND: NEW B Site Misc tags is not working, fix tags function
BUG FOUND - No empty spaces in the folder name otherwise the files get lost Old version
BUG FOUND: NEW B Site Misc tags is not working, Non responsive
BUG FOUND - If Old version your computer goes to sleep it stops uploading. Does this do this in new version?
Nicholas Photographer - He has explored the old version but not B site.
-We need to make sure he is set up with an account.
-Add Nicholas Czarnecki to Babson OI Project also.
-Set up roles for admins: Give Give Nicholas Czarnecki Permission on Babson sites to delete assets as well as admins.
1. Activities entity:
Please Add faculty to audience drop down menu in new entity creation popup for activities.
2. For Users with no permissions, the +People, Activities and Department button doesn’t do anything. Cheryl would like a popup to reveal after clicking on button asking the user to defer to an administrator to add the desired entity.
3. ***** Cheryl would like to be able to make a facial profile with the purpose to do a reverse search in order to locate, review, edit or delete all of the photos associated to that one person.
4. Babson will provide a spreadsheet of popular people to help us refine it.
5. We want to choose last name first name, or visa versa but NOT MIXED. They have someone working on cleaning this up this week. If you’re searching for someone, does it matter the order of how you put it in?
6. Babson to provide a master list of common tags.
In people database, We would like to have different types of people EG: student/faculty so you can search from the people database integrated with facial recognition.
Usually photographers go year month and then day, followed by a simple name and end with the photographers last name. Please Edit fields to reflect this upon creation of a folder or entity for ease of use.
In people database, we need to have different types of people EG student/faculty so you can search from the people database integrated with facial recognition.
Feedback on User manual -
Liked User Manual so far, Some great topics that she would like us to cover:
1. Intro to organization - Labels key differences in this new version.
2. Talk about how things have changed from old version
3. Searches
4. Uploads - different ways to upload things. Adding in descriptions, and metadata tags etc.
It may be helpful to call out when you need to go into the sidebar as a regular user in the user manual?
Media Centralization guide - take ideas from this for user manual
Can we mimic how to set up a reverse facial profile search?
1. Overall organisation / generally speaking / main tasks
Designers / add user by email addresses l how to add users
Upload area
Download area
How to remove assets
Other features -
2. How to search
3. How to set up facial profile
4. Collaboration folders
Search: can we find all files when we write a name.
different manual per role / permission
Claire H
12/13/23, 8:54:08 AM EST
New Icons for entities here for selection: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF2yqziIxY/zWWBI4PwJU0AoKF42vXK-w/edit?utm_content=DAF2yqziIxY&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
Claire H
12/13/23, 12:11:17 PM EST
Hey Cristobal, can you please upgrade the Babson site for us please?