Cristobal M
10/18/23, 11:45:12 AM EDT
Music Academy postponed to Friday, anyways I fixed small issue in one of his scripts
Cristobal M
10/18/23, 4:03:44 PM EDT
Search results looking good, It is displaying a lot of results, tried to limit with hitsperpage but couldnt make it work, other than that feels responsive. I'm testing in babson with some real data
Cristobal M
10/23/23, 2:35:21 PM EDT
Checked in a mechanism to collapse Category tee in Media Dialog. It was pending for Babson and also will help for Faceprofiles I think.
Cristobal M
10/23/23, 4:22:30 PM EDT
I added some fixes to switching checkboxes and fitlers it was loosing the Tree status.
Faceprofiles is read for next step, how we are gonna search for Faceprofiles? We did not took notes of that.
Dieneke S
10/25/23, 9:17:38 AM EDT
Went to my files, clicked on any random file I liked an saved it. Worked, shows up in my saved files.
Dieneke S
10/25/23, 9:20:38 AM EDT
Searched for biz, nice overview of activity and assets, but biz is a person. Why doesnt the field person show up here?
Cheryl R
10/25/23, 9:42:28 AM EDT
Dieneke, before tomorrow's meeting, will you be able to provide the top users and top (20 or so) keywords used for searches?
Dieneke S
10/25/23, 9:43:31 AM EDT
I have a prep meeting in an hour and will ask Cristobal to make a list that we can show your tomorrow!
Cristobal M
10/25/23, 1:24:01 PM EDT
Using the Database table, I prepared this Top 20 users and top 50 Searches from 2002 to today in the Babson DAM.
Cheryl R
10/25/23, 1:31:07 PM EDT
Thanks for pulling ths data, Cristobal. Where can I access the attachment?
Cristobal M
10/25/23, 1:32:08 PM EDT
I just realized attachment didn't upload correctly, let me email it to you.
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