Dieneke S
9/28/23, 10:44:21 AM EDT
Christopher B
9/28/23, 12:09:33 PM EDT
Waiting indicators
Action menu missing
Make wider
Collapse sidebar
Checkboxes on Grid
Add Search box to filter
Owner should be Uploaded By
Back button go back to general tab
Updade Guide for adoption
Facial recognition
People - Profiles - User Folder (my files)
Cart vs Favorites
Saved ---
SSO? Canva
Zero tags
Add date filter
Top area lighter colors
Dieneke S
9/28/23, 12:10:54 PM EDT
- power users top 10
- ind top 20 searches tags
- sort by year (activities)
- path correccting sourcepath didnt get set with images
- checkboxes -> doesn't show action menu to decide what too do
for the grid.
- relabel filter results (uploaded by username)
- nice to have -> back button to added person
- user folder for my files -> in other structure
- add new acitivity and get some feedback from users
- testing UI always X in a corner to get out of screen
Cristobal M
9/28/23, 7:41:13 PM EDT
End of the day update:
-Fixed the checkbox for individual asset
--Which took me to test all the actions menu. I disabled couple of options for now like add-remove to Album (are we gonna use that still?), but also fixed items: Approve, Reject, Delete, Download and Multi-Edit; this last one was little bit complicated since some JS was not enabling the editing boxes in the Asset mediaviewer.
Other small fixes:
-redirect to selected category after Approve, Reject, and Upload.
Dieneke S
10/2/23, 10:46:42 AM EDT
Do we need to edit this in the spreadsheet; https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Uu40WbEeO5PrQWcmBP-baCfJ1UqQ18U0/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=114258320921224536049&rtpof=true&sd=true
Cristobal M
10/2/23, 8:18:35 PM EDT
Progress from today:
-I just added Search Box to Filters popup, I added via description.field, it works great, also added a clear option to clear it, and make it work for the Dialog and the Entities outside.
-I found one of those bugs... Stacked (gallery) view was not loading with the right hitsperpage, also, hits per page was being reset changing the results view. I fixed that, also fixed when boxes looked not aligned in the stacked view too.
-And fixed University catalog in em10 demo, so we can do our tests at https://em10.entermediadb.org/university/find/index.html not in the template site.
Cristobal M
10/3/23, 11:37:13 AM EDT
Cheryl, here is the Asset Search Log table you can take a look what users are searching in the DAM:
Dieneke S
10/4/23, 5:40:21 AM EDT
BUG 1 When I am on the main page; departments are clickable, but when I go and click on a person, nothing happens.
Dieneke S
10/4/23, 5:41:49 AM EDT
Above I click on name map, when i change to table, the people are clickable.
Dieneke S
10/5/23, 10:18:04 AM EDT
meeting at 11am ET, link is https://zoom.us/j/91943422404?pwd=MnhhL3dxYTR3Rzh2VXh4Wnl0U3pFQT09
Dieneke S
10/5/23, 11:43:47 AM EDT
Yes, tomorrow would be great if it works on your end. I’m free from 1pm EDT onward! And, I’m including Marissa next week,, I wanted to see the demo first.
Thank you,
Dieneke S
10/6/23, 10:43:52 AM EDT