Dieneke S
9/22/23, 1:05:59 PM EDT
Setting up meeting at 2pm ET with Marissa, about the issue with permissions with photographer uploading pictures.
Dieneke S
9/22/23, 1:11:09 PM EDT
Tech Team is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Meeting Marissa / permissions
Time: Sep 22, 2023 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Cristobal M
9/22/23, 2:12:00 PM EDT
did the call crashed? or it was just my zoom
is trying to recconect here
is trying to recconect here
Dieneke S
9/26/23, 1:04:34 PM EDT
changed meeting to 2.15 pm tomorrow. Claire will join for testing then. I wont.
Dieneke S
9/27/23, 1:45:42 PM EDT
I am unavailable, its almost 8pm and some friends just came in to see me.
Claire S
9/27/23, 2:30:39 PM EDT
Complete Babson Site testing session:
Babson Testing Notes
For September 27th/2023
Filter is not very user friendly, suggestion to add an “Add Filter Button” and make all of the options into one larger popup rather than having two separate windows. Or follow suggestion below to get rid of popup entirely.
Add filter feature needs more explanations beside the different buttons or icons, to help user navigate.
Maybe consider getting rid of A-Z icon in filter editor, because it’s mildly confusing and redundant if you can just click on the table and have it do the same, but it's kinda cute in the sidebar...
Get rid of the word - Thumbnail on the table, and put an option to “show or hide thumbnail” instead. I think Art especially would love a feature like that. To be able to toggle between showing and hiding thumbnail might add extra speed and enhance performance, and reduce redundancy if you are looking at audio files, for example.
Consider re routing the “add filter” button to just go to the sidebar filter editor, It’s more functional, more strategically placed and allows the user to still interact with the table and scroll at the same time. It also highlights the sidebar icon currently labelled “Search” Which will train the user to use the sidebar more. Consider getting rid of the popup window altogether and just using this method.
Rename “Search” to “Filter editor” Or ‘add filters” in sidebar.
Consider changing “grid” name to “carousel” view to have multiple rows showing more entities, and add an actual “Grid” View.
Like originally planned, have 3 views, Carousel, grid and table for all top level entities
Improve Carousel functionality
Improve Grid view functionality by introducing options for how many rows you would like to view at a time, or results per page.
Make the whole title, clickable to expand, so “view” pop up tooltip is not misleading the user.