Franz J · 1610 Days ago

Jenika Bronson

Les informo que ya logramos una donación primera donación que nos hizo llegar Jenika con la cual ya se realizó la compra a través de transferencia para los primeros insumos que se necesitan para iniciar (semillas nativas y criollas, sustrato y bandejas de germinación los cuales deben estar llegando entre lunes o martes 🙏🏾

Franz J · 1610 Days ago

Maria Paz Apr 17th

Henry hay una donacion de 400 Q para el grupo seguridad alimentaria puede alguien.pasar a recoger mi casa no estoy saliendo te lo agradeceria linda tarde a todos

Franz J · 1610 Days ago

Maria Paz ARP 17th

recibi Mascarillas nuetro grupo Mujeres Emprendedoras de San Marcos! especializsndose en Alimentacion cocina, bordado, Ingles, huertos verticales, panaderia cacao con payrocinio de Emporium Tintura Medicinales Fungi Academy y que quieren aprender muchas cosas mas Gracias enviaremos fotos

Franz J · 1610 Days ago

Maria Paz Apr 17th

Buenas tardes mujeres emprendedoras que la bendición de Dios este en nuestras vidas y la de nuestras familias, les escribo para comunicarles lo siguiente: A mi persona acaban de informar que nos haran la entrega de mascarillas. Por lo que les informo quienes necesitan de mascarillas que porfavor pasen por mi casa desde mañana 18 de abril a las 9:30 de la mañana, asi les hare la entrega de su mascarilla. Gracias por la atención al presente mensaje. Atentamente, Alicia

Franz J · 1610 Days ago

Charlie Rendall’s Apr 16th

Buenas noches, solamente para informarle al grupo que acabo de recibir una donación de 97 mascarillas de Ana y Steve Selby, quienes vivieron en San Marcos La Laguna por unos años. A quien puedo pasar las mascarillas mañana para que los distribuyen a la gente del pueblo? Muchas gracias.

Franz J · 1610 Days ago

Henry’s Abr 16th


Franz J · 1610 Days ago

Lenny’s Abr 15th


Franz J · 1610 Days ago

Campaña de recaudación de fondos Comisión Prevención, Salud y Emergencia COMRED. Abr 12th

¡Hola! Si San Marcos es especial para usted, ahora es el momento de mostrarle su apoyo. Estamos pidiendo a las personas que se proponen a ayudar a que podamos obtener los elementos básicos y prioritarios mientras los suministros médicos críticos aún estén disponibles. Cualquier cantidad que pueda donar ahora será muy apreciada! El 100% de lo que done va a comprar estos elementos esenciales y ayudará directamente a San Marcos a estar sano y fuerte. Este es el enlace para donar: ¡Por favor da de tu corazón! ¡Muchas gracias!

Franz J · 1610 Days ago

Donación para Huertos Familiares por Lenny. Abr 9th

Quiero agradecer a @⁨Lenny⁩ por la donación de semillas. Acá en Las Piramides lo vamos a multiplicar para más familias de la comunidad. Henry Coordinador de Comisión de Seguridad Alimentaria COMRED

Franz J · 1612 Days ago

On Apr 16th 2020 by Aljazeera

"The Guatemalan health care system is not prepared to attend to a pandemic of this magnitude," said Diego Petzey, currently a community leader in Santiago Atitlan, another rural area.

Franz J · 1614 Days ago

COMRED Apr 9th

Por indicación del Alcalde Municipal se les hace saber : 1.Existe una Comisión Municipal para llevar una organización en la ayuda humanitaria . 2 .Quien tenga la buena voluntad de apoyar en estos tiempos de Crisis ,desde ya muchas gracias y les pedimos el favor de contactar a Israel Ulario (Secretario de lA comisión ),para informar sobre el apoyo que desean dar ,así podremos llevar un registro claro y transparente de toda la ayuda .al 30106587,muchísimas gracias por la ayuda.

Franz J · 1615 Days ago

Interview with Nurse Darcy Wilson

Helpful first hand information acquired by Nurse Darcy Wilson in aprox a month while working at Clark Memorial Hospital in Indiana, EU. here you will find the following topics: 1.Prevention 2. how to proceed when presenting symptoms 3. how to proceed when presenting symptoms for the Elder or Immune Compromised patients 4. Tips for those who tend/care for COVID-19 patients And a bit more.

Franz J · 1616 Days ago

Video: San Marcos Observer

Documenting the beginning

Franz J · 1616 Days ago

White and Blue background logos COMRED


Franz J · 1616 Days ago

Emergency phone 24/7 ✨ Teléfono de emergencia 24/7

Hemos activado nuestro Centro de Operación de Emergencias ante cualquier eventualidad que pueda suscitarse dentro de nuestro municipio. Puedes comunicarte al número 30798574 el cual está disponible las 24 hrs del dia. *************** We have activated our Emergency Operation Center in the event of any eventuality that may arise within our municipality. You can contact the number 30798574 which is available 24 hours a day.

Franz J · 1620 Days ago

Consejos Utiles

Agregar a nuestra dieta para mantener un sistema inmunologica y en condicion optima para ayudar a reducir contagios.

Christopher B · 1620 Days ago

Mask Requirement

Starting Monday we are required to wear a mask in public or you will be fined.

Christopher B · 1634 Days ago

Food collected


Christopher B · 1637 Days ago

First purchases made!

The Municipality has been very helpful in organizing this purchase. Also thanks for Maria Paz for going in the truck and buying!

Jay W · 1924 Days ago

Culture Hack

EnterMedia present a series of roundtable conversations and stories about open source projects and technology.

Jay W · 1924 Days ago

Culture Hack - Episode 1


joeguiguren · 1937 Days ago

Pachamama Circle

joeguiguren · 1937 Days ago
Meet Tuwe and his ideology behind the amazonic medicine Aya
Synthdef · 1937 Days ago
How does the money from a donation help Tuwe or the Huni Kuin? Thanks
joeguiguren · 1936 Days ago
Hi F Synthdef, the donation money goes to paying his expenses to travel from the depth of the Brazilian Amazon . Helping promote, talk and share vital information of sacred plant medicine that needs to be protected . we also help in there community to provide ways to bring in clean safe water and clean electricity like solar panel.
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The Admin · 1942 Days ago

Black Elk Connection

Casual conversation among friends.

Christopher B · 1942 Days ago

Chit chat on the lake

Hanging out talking about San Marcos and random thoughts. Featuring Maria and Dorothy! Video by C Burkey

Christopher B · 1943 Days ago

Volcanoes and Virginia

Here is an art project we put together yesterday. Dreaming about the connection between water, volcanoes, earth and life itself. Credits: Virginia and Nicolas, music by Peia and LaUrenita. Cinematography by C Burkey

Jay W · 1944 Days ago

The Roots of The Maya

Our current project, a documentary we have been working on for a year so far.

Jay W · 1946 Days ago

Nido Films & B'elejé Q'anil

A series delving into the resilient heart of Maya culture and the importance of preserving our roots. << >> Teachings and stories passed down from elder to elder, knowledge thats roots trace back to the ancient civilization that built and inhabited the sacred megalithic cities of the Maya.
Looking good man
Jay W · 1945 Days ago
Thanks Brother!!
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The Admin · 1950 Days ago

Check out this photo

The Admin · 1958 Days ago

We The Nipple kick off

We have been in the news lately

The Admin · 1962 Days ago

Christopher working on code

Here I'm working on OI code! Felt like I should try making a selfie video and learn how to edit video under Linux using KDenLive. Also learned how to flip a video 180 using command line: avconv -i VID_20190504_180253.mp4 -vf transpose=1,transpose=2 VIDout2.mkv
Jay W · 1944 Days ago
Vibes Chris! OI family is growing!!
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Jay W · 2301 Days ago
Audio file from interview with Mayan healer Nana Panchita
Published 2301 Days ago by Jay W |

The Admin · 2301 Days ago
Here is the development process. 1. Build your app on Monaca 2. Create a developer profile on the Apple store 3. Upload your app for $30 from Monaca
Published 2301 Days ago by The Admin |

The Admin · 2301 Days ago
Here is a copy of the icon I made
Published 2301 Days ago by The Admin |

The Admin · 2301 Days ago
I created this app for a school deepening project for my computer science class. After using many different sites and having to download many different programs, 12 hours later came this version of my app. I used eclipse made by IBM which helped organize editing files in folders. One of the other software/tools that I did end up using were Smartgit which pushed the changes made to text files to a compiler for apps. The compiler I used was Cordova, I used Monaca as a platform to use Cordova and html. I used my father's website Open Institute to check in GIT, check out a server. I used google draw to create my icon and banner. Once the app was cleaned up and programmed I then had to get it registered by buying an Apple program certificate. One the certificate was verified all that was needed to be done was make a website and privacy policy and send my app off to the App Store to attempt to get it approved. With the help of my father , a computer programmer I have made the app as glitch free as possible and will continue to make shortcuts and changes to the app throughout its existence.
Published 2301 Days ago by The Admin |

Team Circle