Alex G · 934 Days ago

6 Jul 2022


Christopher B · 935 Days ago

Sep 8 Dinner Party

Alex G · 934 Days ago
When are we doing a party?
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Alex G · 936 Days ago

Emergency Numbers


Alex G · 938 Days ago

10 WYZE Cameras

Excelente visión nocturna y monitoreo desde app móvil.

Alex G · 941 Days ago

50 Cameras Price


Christopher B · 946 Days ago

Wednesday Event

Shared yummy bowls of food and love!

Alex G · 946 Days ago

Vamos a limpiar lo que nadie quiere limpiar

Con la ayuda de esta maquina, pondremos a prueba la limpieza de la calle principal de San Marcos La Laguna. 

Alex G · 946 Days ago

Collars Needed

The dogs are getting fed but now they need to be identified, because of control reassons. For that matter, collars will be needed in order to know which dogs are being fed on a daily basis and eventually take them to a more competente veterinarian for further evaluations. 

Alex G · 948 Days ago

The food and supplies of the first Dognation Campaign

We are happy to announce the successful Dognation that is now feeding 10 dogs on a regular basis. This is just the start...

Christopher B · 949 Days ago

Logo transparent


Christopher B · 950 Days ago

Stolen wallet returned!!

In a rare event we have tracked down the owner of the wallet by searching Instagrm. Wallet inluding a passport card and several credit cards!

The wallet was found near the soccer fields in the grass. Thank you Rodolfo for reporting it. 

Christopher B · 951 Days ago

Stolen Clothing

Cecilia Mendoza reported that her neighboor and mother in law was robbed of 8 guatemalan outfits. On Thursday the 16th someone broke into the home in barrio 2 at 4AM. 

Christopher B · 951 Days ago

Stolen Huipils Report

Cecilia Mendoza reported that her neighboor and mother in law was robbed of 8 guatemalan outfits. On Thursday the 16th someone broke into the home in barrio 2 at 4AM. 


Christopher B · 954 Days ago



Alex G · 955 Days ago

We need 16 cameras

They will be used for recording and not real-time


Alex G · 955 Days ago

Cachorro apadrinado

A través de nuestro programa de apadrinamiento, promoveremos el correcto cuidado y protección de los perros en el municipio de San Marcos la laguna. Esto con la intención de no albergar a los perros, sino más bien de concientizar a la población y encontrar una solución a la problemática desde la población.

Brenchell · 957 Days ago

Hi we are Mayan Hip hop Cosmovision!!!

Hi we are Mayan Hip hop Cosmovision!!!

We're working directly with Tzutu Kan and Casa Ajaw Hip Hop which is the school of Mayan Hip Hop Cosmovision in Lake Atitlan that supports the local youth in expressing the core elements of their culture, such as the Mayan language.

We need your help!


Alex G · 957 Days ago

More Puppies

There seems to be no stop to this problem, on a daily basis new puppies are found.

Brenchell · 960 Days ago




Our audio and video production team needs a chair for  be used in the studio to make promotional videos and artist recordings.


Brenchell · 960 Days ago


Our audio production team needs a midi keyboard for music production to be used in promotional videos and artist recordings.

Miguel D · 962 Days ago

Errors/Notes/Suggestions 1

Sólo para mencionarlo:

- El display en los miembros del Team tiene un error en cuanto  aque nos nombres aparecen enciamdos. 

- El ícono de persona en perfil sin foto puede percibirse como un carita triste. 

Alex G · 960 Days ago
Gracias por el comentario, estoy de acuerdo con lo que dices.
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Miguel D · 962 Days ago

Logo Vectors


Brenchell · 963 Days ago

Very Very New born Puppies

They are very very new born and I dont know if it would be wise to move them, but the place is very nasty. If someone has any advice of what is best to do please let me know. I am hoping the momy is looking for food and wondering if it would be a good idea to leave some dog food there for her and check on them later. They are by the pipes going to the lake next to the nature reserve in San Marcos.

Thank you, Whith your help they can find a house and food.



Alex G · 959 Days ago
They died, worms ate their eyes
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Alex G · 963 Days ago

Los cachorros ya tienen casa

Gracias a tu apoyo, los cachorros ahora se encuentran bajo la protección de un techo, el cual estará protegiéndoles durante la temporada de lluvia.

Christopher B · 964 Days ago

Restorative Justice Guide

. Talking to each party or interest group first will be important. Ask each what they feel needs to change and confirm that they are willing to engage in. RJ process. Then facilitate a circle process with smaller groups using circle practice (going around and asking each person to respond to a series of prompts). Once enough clarity of the issues has arisen and buy in to the process, bring together the large circle. Message by Mara My Muse: You will need to make sure the person responsible for the harm is willing to take accountability and listen to the people harmed. And that the people harmed are willing to listen to the person perpetuating harm. Here are some questions to start as prompts...
You will need to make sure the person responsible for the harm is willing to take accountability and listen to the people harmed. And that the people harmed are willing to listen to the person perpetuating harm. Here are some questions to start as prompts...

Alex G · 964 Days ago

4 people need a ride to Sololá

Somebody can drive four local persons tomorrow to Sololá at 5:30am? They go to the hospital to donate blood for a person that got burned. Contact Don José 3195-5738  🦵🔥 

It would probably be needed to wait for them and bring them back if it’s possible, but if not, one ride would be fine.


We cover the gas expense.



Christopher B · 964 Days ago

Fundraising fun


Christopher B · 964 Days ago

Assault June 4 2022

Sorry to report that two women where assaulted on Saturday night at 1:30am on the main path near the tunnel.
From what I heard, a woman was grabbed sexualy and threatened then around 10 minutes later in the night a second woman had her purse cut from her neck with his machete.
The suspect was described as around 5'2 feet tall, Guatemalan, muscular and wearing a black and white woven poncho with a hood. He did not say anything and acted like he was on drugs.
We are making plans to install a camera on the main path.
This incident and person resembles a similar in indent that happened three months ago.
This is not acceptable and we would like will track down this person as soon as possible. Please share any relevant activity or information to me or Alexander Goz .

Alex G · 965 Days ago

We need a Studio Monitor

Our audio production team needs a studio quality monitor for the production of visuals and graphics that will be used in the promotional videos.


Brenchell · 932 Days ago
we collect for a monitor, thank you!!! now let's go for the other!
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Christopher B · 966 Days ago

Miguel Angel


Emilee M · 966 Days ago

Mayan Hip Hop Cosmovision in Lake Atitlan

We walk amongst magic that flows through this entire lake. It dances through our hearts and in all of our serendipitous encounters. Like everything in life, we must remember the dance of balance - to give and receive.
For hundreds of years, the Mayan history and language has been taken, oppressed, and appropriated. Not only do we see and feel the magic of this place, but also the necessity to do our part in conserving this beautiful culture, language, and people.
It is our responsibility to understand the impact we have through our influence here. We must play our part to be curious, respectful, and open.
Weedman Majia and Wolf Fer Sajvin are 2 young men that have been working tirelessly for many years to produce songs in their language, to preserve the roots of a language that only a fraction of the world actually speaks. Their songs would bring so much pride and opportunity for their community, while inspiring the likes of so many young Mayans around the lake. In this way, we can help support the youth to step away from the negative influence in their environment, to break the cycles of oppression and rewrite their futures in the most beneficial way.
Our goal is to cover all the costs it takes for them to make these timeless pieces of art for their community, and to help them start their careers. To accomplish this, we hope to raise $2000 in May!
But in order to do this, we need your help!
We're working directly with Tzutu Kan and Casa Ajaw Hip Hop which is the school of Mayan Hip Hop Cosmovision in Lake Atitlan that supports the local youth in expressing the core elements of their culture, such as the Mayan language.
Some words directly from the 2 young men we're supporting:
"Hello, my name is Lucas Fermin (or Wolf Fer Sajvin), I am originally from San Marcos La Laguna. Since I was a child, I loved music and fell in love with every musical instrument I touched. Growing up, I connected to different musical tastes, like the Marimba, which is the folklore inesxex ulew (earth of the corn), and from there also Rock Anglo. What mostly got my attention was hip hop culture. I love to rap and freestyle, often practicing with friends. This is the most beautiful art to me, so I composed songs that I want to continue growing, always fostering the Mayan culture in it. It's important to show this as it's done in every ethnic group that represents the Titlan Lake Basin."
"I am Weedman. My real name is spelt Widman. Since I was a child, I always liked all kinds of music, but between 2012-2013 I found out about this Hip Hop workshop called "Caza Ajaw" and I started to participate there knowing nothing about Hip Hop culture. It really caught my attention. Over time it became a huge part of my life, because as a child many of us did not have the opportunity to access technology. So, from there, I began to investigate the roots of Real Hip Hop, getting deeper into the role and rapping in Kaqchikel and Spanish. After a while, I stepped away from it because of so many vices that surrounded me. I liked to walk in the street then go to school, but I never left Rap. I would still write about my life and what was happening around me despite so much criticism and ridicule. But I never cared. To this day, I'm trying to turn the tables, to stand out from crowd through my music and my love of Hip Hop."

Miguel D · 966 Days ago

Final Round of Logos and Color Schemes

Hi guys, here the latest iterations after our last meeting. Let me know what version is the final selected one and I can prepare files for you guys. 

Alex G · 965 Days ago
Thank you! Very good 👍🏽
Looks great, thanks!
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Alex G · 971 Days ago

Asegúrate de que estos cachorros sobrevivan 🐕🦮🐶🐶🐶

Bartolo, el guardián del castillo, rescató tres cachorros de morir; nacieron bajo la lluvia y en la calle, frente a la propiedad de la cual él es jardinero. Buscaron refugio y lo encontraron en su jardín. 

Momentáneamente viven en una caja de cartón, la que les sirve para mantenerse juntos y preservar el calor que necesitarán durante la noche. Pero la caja está húmeda y ya no aguanta más, por lo que la prioridad está en conseguirles un techo adecuado. Afortunadamente, la madre y el padre de los cachorros también están, y son ellos los que necesitan alimentarse diariamente.

Con tu aporte, los cachorros recibirán una casa apropiada para ellos, la madre y el padre recibirán comida diaria. 

Bartolo no se puede hacer cargo de los costos, tiene sus propios cachorros que alimentar.

Alex G · 971 Days ago
Published 971 Days ago by Alex G |

Miguel D · 973 Days ago

Graphic Style Proposal

Hi there, 
Here goes the proposal for the visual updated for the Open Institute redesign. There are many routes to take from here, but lets see how these intial options land and we can redirect it. 

Its looks great Miquel! Thanks for sending the design
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Brenchell · 974 Days ago

About us V4

About Us landing page. Change of color and text

Team Circle