1. DEV / project plan for Zoho import API then upgrade dev site em11, Theme Editor / tomorrow demo ZOHO
2. Common Roots Theme Editor - Setup Bobby
3. Saudi Arabia (AI Features, object recognition)
1. Follow up tony / kennedy today for trial site / set up meeting
2. Write short blog art uploading folders and creating collections
3. AGBU sales project gallery feature / create invoice, plan meetings
Check invoiving
Customer Service
1.DEV - prnewswire -> development / cristsobal / geo location metabug ->
2.. DEV - Babson -> Linux admin - B site setup / keys etc -> meet and explain
1. DEV / Prepare demo Theme Editor / ZOHO / new sitee
2. Common Roots Theme Editor - Setup Bobby
3. Saudi Arabia (AI Features, object recognition)
1. Firebrand, set up meeting
2. Write short blog a/ feature / rt uploading folders and creating collections
3. AGBU sales project gallery feature / create invoice, plan meeting
4. Set up webinar / make little flyer, / linkedin 18 september
Customer Service
1.DEV - prnewswire -> development / cristsobal / geo location metabug ->
2.. DEV - Babson -> Linux admin - B site setup / keys etc -> meet and explain
I need to handle some emergent items, and wont be available today. Next week should be ok.
Apologies for the short notice. cancel the metro east meeting at 12pm
Cristobal, We seem to have lost a bunch of data across several OI projects. I looked in backup from 5/16 and I see we have this collectiveincome: "_id": "AY52Jj-JiS9VKSjkyC2h", "_source" :{"owner":"106","date":"2024-03-25T04:00:00.000Z","incomedescription":"PAYPAL TRANSFER: Simona Asinovski for SueƱos","currencytype":"1","collectiveproject":"AYnicU9zyelXlL5_2O7P","total":50.0,"incometype":"AX-oWIv0qFnpF58wgkLE","paidfromaccount":"AYwCj7zExWQ_cT4tuYBr","emrecordstatus":{"recorddeleted":false,"mastereditclusterid":"openinstitute-cluster","lastmodifiedclusterid":"openinstitute-cluster","recordmodificationdate":"2024-03-25T15:06:41.928Z","masterrecordmodificationdate":"2024-03-25T15:06:41.928Z"},"collectionid":"AYnicU2-yelXlL5_2O7M","paymenttype":"paypal"}
1. Gallery feature meeting
2. ZOHO / Allegro status?
3. Desktop app, for Lead, Webinar & Alfred
4. Meeting Metro East / Alfred Thursday
5. Back up OI data
6. Website edits forms meeting / create librart
Customer Service
1. Hard drive Tier - Cristobal
2. AGBU: bugs
3. Write protocol customer service process - Dieneke
4. DEV - prnewswire -> development / cristsobal / geo location metabug -
5. DEV - Babson -> Linux admin - B site setup / keys etc -> meet and explain
1. AGBU sales project gallery feature / send invoice - Dieneke
2. Send desktop documentation to Tony / Kennedy photography