Do you have the Certificate of Liability file that you worked on last year? We need an updated one for Babson. I can probably edit it and review it with you.
Payroll is ready for review/discussion, and so far is $4,678, without Shakil, Harshit, etc. CC 7671 is owed in two weeks and balance owed is $2,521. Current bank balance, once today's deposit clears should be is $14,003.82.
We'll need to chat about setting up your payroll. The original target was for you to start getting paid on Monday. If that's unchanged, we'll need to submit payroll for you today. We can always set it up to start another time. though As far as I know, it's all manual until we get back into a rhythm of regular payments, at which point it can be set to pay you automatically.
I'm using the OI chat now for all work stuff. The app is working for me. I don't care what you chose to pay me. I just need it all to be tracked and for me to not come up holding the bag on each project.
I just transferred $3,000 to you. I do think that we should review the tracking on these before we get too far along.
I'm using the OI chat now for all work stuff. The app is working for me. I don't care what you chose to pay me. I just need it all to be tracked and for me to not come up holding the bag on each project.
I'll make a disbursement from EnterMedia to your personal account? Your current balance is $238. We will need to discuss starting up your payroll. If you'd like your income to start on July 1 (Monday), I believe my cut-off date to enter the correct information in Gusto is Friday.