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Claire S · 693 Days ago

The Oromo People:

The Oromo people, indigenous to East Africa, make up a significant portion of the population occupying the Horn of Africa. In the Ethiopian Empire alone, Oromos constitute about 40 percent of its 90 million inhabitants. In fact, Oromo is one of the most populated nations in Africa, which shares a common language, history and descent and once shared common political, religious and legal institutions. During their long history, the Oromo developed their own cultural, social and political system known as the Gadaa system: a uniquely democratic political and social institution that governed the life of every individual in Oromo society from birth to death.
The Oromos were colonized during the last quarter of the nineteenth century by Abyssinia, renamed Ethiopia in 1929, with the help of the European colonial powers of the day. Ever since, they are subjected to discrimination, subjugation, repression and exploitation of all forms in all spheres of life. The Abyssinian colonial system has systematically worn away at the Oromo identity - culture, language, custom, tradition, name and origin. Through the use of violence, extremists in the Ethiopian empire has obstructed natural political, economic and social development of the Oromo society.

Claire S · 693 Days ago

5 Types of Oromo flags and what they all mean:


Oromia Ethipia is a place with a lot of turmoil and complexity.  To help our volunteers make more informed decisions on what media they curate, please read this link and learn the material.

The Flag Below is the Gadaa Flag, an indigenous political system to the area that has been designated as an important part of their Cultural Heritage.

Claire S · 750 Days ago

Collaboration Announcement

Congratulations to OGF, eMedia and Open Institute on their recent collaboration to update ODAMS! This year is a bright one and we all have great hopes for a better future.   


Oromia Ethiopia is a region state in Ethiopia and the home of the Oromo People. Oromia has seen many struggles over the years and hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced.


The Ethiopian state has continued to subject the Oromo people to violence and human rights violations. Successive Ethiopian governments have caused deep social, political, cultural and economic crises in Oromo society.The situation is urgent, and with the help of the Oi platform and eMedia, we hope to help ODAMS improve their website to reach their fundraising goal!  To make a huge difference in the year to come.