Familia Utz Corazon

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Here in San Marcos La Laguna, education ends at the 9th grade. Locals then have few opportunities to continue their education. Most will not even finish secondary school. They begin work as children. Opportunities for most locals center around building, gardening, housekeeping and cooks in restaurants. There is a desire for more. There is a desire for education.

To respond to this need, Familia Utz Corazon will now shift its focus from food and housing to education. Our friends Wellkind and CentroComunitario Chitzununchoy Tzununá (Chi Tz Unun Choy) are working with CECAP Santa Cruz La Laguna and Amigos de Santa Cruz Foundation to provide education and training to locals in Tzununa. Here they provide real skillsets that empower locals to be their own entrepreneur.

Familia Utz Corazón and One World Cacao along with these organizations are so honored to announce our partnership to provide a paid scholarship program to locals of San Marcos La Laguna. Locals will have a range of courses to choose from such as to carpentry, electrical, cosmetology and sewing. Each course has 3 stages from beginners to intermediate to advanced. The entire program will be for one year. At the end of the program, locals will receive a certification from CECAP and a further opportunity for a paid internship. Locals are chosen through a video application. We ask they send us a 1 to 2 minute video introducing themselves and how this scholarship will benefit their future. In addition, each scholar is required to volunteer once a month in a community project.

At the end of the program, scholars will work together with other volunteers to help families in need (small building/renovation project). For just $200, we can provide a year of education and training to a local. This covers not only the entire yearly course but also transportation.

Please donate now so we may continue our efforts to provide for locals in San Marcos La Laguna… with the most important gift… Education.

Alejandro T · 1311 Days ago

Shoe and Food Distribution

Today is a great day to be of service to others! As part of our efforts to give back to those most in need in San Marcos La Laguna, 30 families were preselected to receive a care package to include: 🔸️beans 10lbs 🔸️corn 50 lbs 🔸️sugar 5lbs 👟👟👟In addition, as part of our shoe program in collaboration with Joyce Maynard hundreds of shoes were donated. Thank you also to Fungi Academy for your shoe donation. There is something special to see the gratitude of children as they receive a new pair of shoes. One would imagine there would be some chaos but each child was happy with their choices and equally happy to share these treasures with the other children. 🙏Thank you to all our donors who continue to contribute so that we may continue our efforts to provide for those most in need🙏 You are much appreciated. ¡Hoy es un gran día para servir a los demás🙌 Como parte de nuestros esfuerzos para retribuir a los más necesitados en San Marcos La Laguna, 30 familias fueron preseleccionadas para recibir un paquete de atención que incluye: 🔸️frijoles 10 libras 🔸️maíz 50 lbs 🔸️azúcar 5 libras 👟👟👟Además, como parte de nuestro programa de calzado en colaboración con Joyce Maynard, se donaron cientos de zapatos. Gracias también a Fungi Academy por su donación de zapatos. Hay algo especial en ver la gratitud de los niños al recibir un nuevo par de zapatos. Uno podría imaginar que habría algo de caos, pero cada niño estaba feliz con sus elecciones e igualmente feliz de compartir estos tesoros con los otros niños. 🙏Gracias a todos nuestros donantes que pueden seguir contribuyendo para que podamos continuar nuestros esfuerzos para ayudar a los más necesitados🙏 Eres muy apreciado. Gracias a @sancoy enio por las fotografias.

Franz J · 1750 Days ago

Today was a beautiful collaboration of locals, residents and friends organizing care packages.

Today was a beautiful collaboration of locals, residents and friends organizing care packages for those most in need in our community. Along with rice, beans, salt and sugar from your donations through our gofundme volunteers sorted, weighed and bagged cabbage, carrots, onions, cucumbers, pineapples, oranges, limes and raisins compliments of Konojel Community Center to be distributed to each family in need. Tomorrow arrives, Shangri-la Atitlan coffee and locals herbs from Fincas Buenas. Thank you to all the amazing volunteers today for your support. Please continue to send your donations to our gofundme, so that we can continue providing for those in need in our community. https://www.gofundme.com/f/san-marcos-ll-fundraiser-for-ind… Hola a todos, Hoy fue una hermosa colaboración de lugareños, residentes y amigos organizando paquetes de atención para los más necesitados en nuestra comunidad. Junto con el arroz, los frijoles, la sal y el azúcar de sus donaciones a través de nuestros voluntarios de gofundme, se clasificaron, pesaron y embolsaron col, pepinos, cebollas, calabacines, piñas, naranjas, limas y pasas, elogios del Centro Comunitario Konojel para ser distribuidos a cada familia que lo necesite. Mañana llega, café Shangri-la Atitlán y hierbas locales de Fincas Buenas. Gracias a todos los increíbles voluntarios de hoy por su apoyo. Continúe enviando sus donaciones a nuestro gofundme, para que podamos continuar brindando servicios a los necesitados de nuestra comunidad. https://www.gofundme.com/f/san-marcos-ll-fundraiser-for-ind…

Franz J · 1750 Days ago

Excited to have our first delivery of goods to San Marcos La Laguna: 15000lbs of rice, beans, sugar and salt.

Then on Tuesday morning another 10000lbs of fruits and vegetable will arrive from Konojel Community Center along with café from Shangri-la Atitlan, herbs from Fincas Buenas and eggs from San Marcos Foundation. Volunteers will sort into care packages to be distributed next week to the most vulnerable families in San Marcos. Thank you to the volunteers who helped unload and organize goods this afternoon. Kindly continue to donate to our gofundme so that we can continue to provide food to local families in need. Wishing everyone a blessed weekend. Please see link to our gofundme below https://www.gofundme.com/f/san-marcos-ll-fundraiser-for-ind… Emocionado de tener nuestra primera entrega de productos a San Marcos La Laguna: 15000 libras de arroz, frijoles, azúcar y sal. Luego, el martes por la mañana, llegarán otras 10000 libras de frutas y verduras del Centro Comunitario de Konojel junto con un café de Shangri-la Atitlán, hierbas de Fincas Buenas y huevos de la Fundación San Marcos. Los voluntarios clasificarán en paquetes de atención que se distribuirán la próxima semana a las familias más vulnerables en San Marcos. Gracias a los voluntarios que ayudaron a descargar y organizar los productos esta tarde. Por favor, continúe donando a nuestro gofundme para que podamos continuar proporcionando alimentos a las familias locales en need. Deseando a todos un fin de semana bendecido. Por favor vea el enlace a nuestro gofundme a continuación